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2008년 4월 29일 화요일

언리얼 MOD 컨테스트가 열리고 있네요..

언리얼 토너먼트 3에 포함된 언리얼 엔진 3를 이용하여 게이머들이 직접 게임(MOD)을 만드는 Make Something Unreal Contest가 열리고 있네요. 인텔의 후원을 얻어 총 상금이 백만달러 규모입니다.(대충 한 10억 되죠?) 우리나라의 경우엔 MOD를 만드는 개발자는 거의 없고, 게임 개발을 공부하는 사람들의 목표도 취미가 아닌 취업이기 때문에 아마추어 개발자가 거의 전멸하다시피 한 상황이라 참가할 팀이 얼마나 될지 모르겠네요. 게다가 MOD 개발 환경은 한글화도 안 되기 때문에 쉽사리 접근하기가 어렵죠.

컨테스트는 4단계로 나뉘어 진행됩니다. 2008년 6월 27일까지가 Phase 1, 2008년 10월 17일까지가 Phase 2, 2009년 5월 15일까지가 Phase 3, 2009년 8월 31일까지가 Phase 4입니다. 각 단계마다 게임을 수정해가며 계속 제출할 수 있는 방식입니다. 수상작은 4단계까지 마친 후에 공식홈페이지에서 발표합니다. 이런 방식이면 공모전 대비하듯 벼락치기로 게임을 만들어서 제출하기엔 어려울듯 하고, 실제로 MOD를 만드는데 흥미가 있어야 끝까지 진행할 수 있을것 같습니다.

시상 부문은 다음과 같습니다.

Best Mutator
Enter during Phase 1
Mutators are one way to modify a game, and we are looking for changes to a UT3 game type for the Best Mutator category. Mutators are "mini mods": they adjust settings such as speed or gravity, add a weapon or a power-up, and so on. Players should be able to set and configure mutators like extra game options. These can be a lot of fun, so be sure to check out some of the awesome mutators that come with UT3 to experiment with what you can do – then let your imagination run wild!

Best New Game Type
Enter during Phase 1
Game types are a much larger class of mod, and allow access to a much larger range of functionality. If your idea can't be implemented within a mutator, you should work on a game type. The Best New Game Type category focuses on gameplay, and not necessarily what new art is included. The new game type may use new levels and other content, or it may use existing UT3 levels and content.

Best Tool
Enter during Phase 1
Got a cool tool or utility you've created for UT3? Here's where you can win some money for it! Tools can be external, like an UnrealScript development environment, an .ini manager or an application that helps server administrators or adds functionality within UT3.

Best New Weapon
Enter during Phase 1
The language of UT3 is carnage, and its verbs are the guns! Show us new ways to dismember your enemies and dish out the pain by creating a new weapon.

Best New Character/Customization Pack
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3
Can you make an awesome original UT3 character model? Feel free to call on the game's existing skeletal meshes and animation, or go for extra consideration and create your own! More interested in accessories? No problem. Dazzle us with a collection of helmets, facemasks, shoulder pads and other character customization options.

Best CTF Level
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3
Make an awesome level for the Capture the Flag game type. In this category, you're welcome to use any of the existing content that comes with UT3, or you may create your own. The best levels will combine great gameplay with strong visuals and good performance.

Best Warfare Level
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3
Make a fantastic level for the Warfare game type. In this category, you're welcome to use any of the existing content that came with UT3, or you may create your own. The best levels will combine great gameplay with strong visuals and good performance.

Best vCTF Level
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3
Make an awesome level for the Vehicle Capture the Flag game type. In this category, you're welcome to use any of the existing content that comes with UT3, or you may create your own. The best levels will combine great gameplay with strong visuals and good performance.

Best Deathmatch Level
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3
Make a great level for the Deathmatch game type. In this category, you're welcome to use any of the existing content that comes with UT3, or you may create your own. The best levels will combine great gameplay with strong visuals and good performance.

Best Use of Physics
Enter during Phases 1, 2, 3, 4
Here, we're looking for the most interesting ways you can utilize physics within UT3's gameplay.

Best New Vehicle
Enter during Phase 2
Vehicles come in all shapes, sizes and styles. Build one and make it fun to use.

Best Game Mod
Enter during Phase 2 (splits off into Best FPS and Best Non-FPS in Phases 3 and 4)
Be inventive. The Unreal Engine can be used for all sorts of game genres. Let your creativity shine and design something cool!

Best Machinima
Enter during Phases 2, 3, 4
Machinima is animated filmmaking within a real-time 3D environment. Unreal Engine 3's Matinee system allows you to build these kinds of movies inside the Unreal Editor. Fire up UT3 and begin a new single-player game. Check out the cool non-interactive movie of the Reaper fighting off the Krall horde. Did you know you could do this? Are you a future Hollywood honcho? Show us how good you are! Learn more about Machinima at the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences web site at www.machinima.org. Time limit for submissions is five minutes.

Best Graphics in Map
Enter during Phases 2, 3, 4
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, even when you're in a carnage-filled UT3 slugfest. Take us to breathtaking alien vistas, grungy urban hives, or anywhere in between. This category is rated on artistic quality, and not gameplay. Beauty uber alles!

Best New Weapon Set
Enter during Phase 3
Build your buffet of death-dealing hardware and they will come! These weapons should be balanced and play together well.

Best FPS Game Mod
Enter during Phases 3, 4
This one needs no explanation. Make the best first-person shooter-style mod that you can.

Best Non-FPS Game Mod
Enter during Phases 3, 4
Be inventive. Unreal Engine 3 can be used for all sorts of game types. Let your creativity shine and design something cool that you wouldn't ordinarily see in a traditional first-person shooter.

Best Level for Game Mod
Enter during Phases 3, 4
Among the best game mods, some levels stand out as classics. This category rewards phenomenal gameplay levels for custom game mods.

Best Art for a Game Mod
Enter during Phase 4
Whether it's the frozen frontlines of Eastern Front WWII or a magic infused fantasy kingdom, this award recognizes excellence in game visuals.

Best New Vehicle Set
Enter during Phase 4
Some fly, some hover and some just barrel through you leaving a broken and bloody carcass in their dust. Blow us away with your high-octane squadron of death-dealing rides and you could walk away with this prize.

Educational Category
Enter during Phase 4
Schools represented by the most worthy students or faculty in the contest will receive cash prizes. Entrants who are students or faculty members will be asked to provide the name of their educational institution and the contact information for the school. For consideration in this category, the mods do not have to be school projects, but the students or faculty must be presently enrolled with or employed by the institution.

언리얼로 개발을 하고 있는 입장에서는, 이 컨테스트에 우리나라 아마추어들이 많이들 참여했으면 좋겠습니다. MOD 제작을 완료한 경험을 가진 아마추어라면 언리얼을 이용하는 개발사에 취업할때도 상당히 유리하게 작용할겁니다. 일단 국내에는 써본 사람이 너무 적어서요.

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