다음 스크립트는 지정된 창을 특정 크기로 맞춰주는 기능을 합니다. 간단한 스크립트니까 설명은 생략할게요. 다른 프로그래밍 언어 경험이 있으면 금방 감을 잡을 수 있습니다.
; AutoHotkey Script for Mongil
; Version: 1.0
#SingleInstance, Force
; Find Genymotion window
if !hWnd := WinExist("Genymotion for personal use")
MsgBox, 48, Genymotion Error, Running instance of Genymotion not found. Please start your Genymotion virtual device.
; Shutdown
ResizeGenymotionWindow( 800, 480 )
; Resize Genymotion window size
ResizeGenymotionWindow( width, height )
ControlGetPos,,,ctlWidth, ctlHeight, subWin1, Genymotion for personal use
if ( ctlWidth = width AND ctlHeight = height )
return 1
WinGetPos, x, y, winWidth, winHeight, Genymotion for personal use
WinMove, Genymotion for personal use,, x, y, width - ctlWidth + winWidth, height - ctlHeight + winHeight
ControlGetPos,,,newCtlWidth, newCtlHeight, subWin1, Genymotion for personal use
if ( newCtlWidth = width AND newCtlHeight = height )
return 1
return 0
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